Private Higher Education Institution

License series VO No00228-022801 dated 05/15/2017


2024/2025 Admissions Campaign Launched

Be among the first ones to apply to the best private university in Ukraine on preferential terms

2024/2025 Admissions Campaign Launched

Be among the first ones to apply to the best private university in Ukraine on preferential terms

About us

About us

"European University" is the largest private institution in Ukraine. We have 26,000 square meters, more than 150,000 students have graduated. We have 12 branches across Ukraine. Our founders are the Tymoshenko family.

We are the only ones with an uninterrupted form of education. Among them, we have our own large libraries, a culture and arts center, sports halls, disco halls, youth cafes, there is also a medical and recreational complex, a sports and recreational and ski base.

If you want your child to receive a quality and prestigious education at the European level, then you are in the right place. Be in time to enter the best private university in Ukraine on preferential terms!

Do you want to get a high-quality and prestigious education at the European level?

The admission campaign for 2024/2025 to the European University has started!

Why us?

Why us?

The biggest private higher education institution in Ukraine

More than 150,000 students

More than 30 years of experience

The best team of professionals

University dormitories for the convenience of our students

Education from kindergarten to doctorate


Faculty of Information Systems
and Technologies

121 Software engineering

125 Cyber security and information protection

122 Computer science

014 Secondary education

Faculty of Economics
and Management

051 Economy

071 Accounting and taxation

072 Finance, banking, insurance and stock market

073 Management

075 Marketing

101 Ecology

206 Horticulture

024 Choreography

Faculty of Law

029 Information, library and archival business

081 Law

Faculty of Psychology and Social Technologies

012 Preschool education

013 Primary education

053 Psychology

231 Social work

The International Studets` Faculty

029 Information, library and archival business

051 Economy

101 Ecology

071 Accounting and taxation

072 Finance, banking and insurance

073 Management

075 Marketing

081 Law

121 Software engineering

122 Computer science

125 Cyber security

New educational programs for
2024/25.Professional junior Bachelor

029 Information library and archive work
*Information library and archival work

051 Economy
*Economy and e-commerce

071 Accounting and taxation
*Accounting and taxation

072 Finance, banking, insurance and stock market
*Finance, banking, insurance and stock market

073 Management
* Management

081 Law

101 Ecology
*Environmental control

121 Software engineering
*Software engineering

New educational programs
for 2024/25 Bachelor

012 Preschool education
*Preschool education and computer science

013 Primary education
*Primary education and computer science

014 Secondary education (by subject specialties)
*Secondary education (Informatics)

029 Information library and archive work
*Information library and archival work
*Legal documentation

051 Economy

053 Psychology
*Practical psychology
*Practical psychology, crisis counseling

071 Accounting and taxation
*Accounting and taxation

072 Finance, banking, insurance and stock market
*Finance, banking and insurance

073 Management
*Enterprise security management
*Management of hotel and restaurant business
*Management of management and administration of healthcare organizations

075 Marketing
*Marketing. Internet marketing

081 Law

101 Ecology

121 Software engineering
*Software engineering
*Software Engineering

122 Computer science
*Computer science

125 Cyber security and information protection
*Cyber security and information protection

206 Horticulture

231 Social work
*Social international projects and a foreign language, the first - English, the second - optional

035 Philology
*035.041 Germanic languages and literatures* (including translation), the first one is in English

New educational programs for 2024/25.Мagistr

024 Choreography

029 Information library and archive work
* Documentary studies and information activities

051 Economy
*Digital economy
*International economy and export-import activity

053 Psychology
*Practical psychology

071 Accounting and taxation
*Accounting and taxation

072 Finance, banking, insurance and stock market
*Finance, banking, insurance and stock market

073 Management
*Environmental management of the enterprise
*Logistics management
* Enterprise security management
*Management of hotel and restaurant business
*Management of management and administration of healthcare organizations
*Management of game business and e-sports
*Product and Project Management startup in IT

075 Marketing
*Marketing. Internet marketing

081 Law

101 Ecology
*Environmental control and audit

122 Computer science
*Computer science

125 Cyber security and information protection
*Cyber security and information protection

Faculty of philology

035 Philology
*035.041 Germanic languages and literatures* (including translation), the first one is in English

What will you get by studying with us?


Quality education


Classes only with qualified teachers


Sports hall and recreation centers


Diploma of the state model


The latest teaching methods


Comfortable dormitories

Unified system of continuing education, including:


"Euroland" Nursery School


"Euroland" Lyceum


Professional business college




Postgraduate Education



Mode of study



submitted documents


seats left



submitted documents


seats left



submitted documents


seats left

Professional Business College

We invite 9th grade graduates. Preparation of an educational degree "Professional junior bachelor" is carried out in the following specialties:


"Information library and archival work"




"Accounting and taxation"


"Finance, banking, insurance and stock market"








"Software engineering"

We prepare professional junior bachelors to work in institutions, organizations and enterprises of various forms of ownership, in particular, small and medium-sized enterprises.

Be in time to enter the best private university in Ukraine on preferential terms!

20 % OFF

forthe first academic year! Sign up to get a discount!

Preparation for the "Bachelor" degree

Faculty of Information Systems and Technologies


Faculty of Economics and Management


Faculty of Law


Faculty of Psychology and Social Technologies


The International Studets` Faculty


Faculty of philology


Preparationfor the "Master's" degree

Faculty of Information Systems and Technologies


Faculty of Economics and Management


Faculty of Law


Faculty of Psychology and Social Technologies


The International Studets` Faculty


Biennial "Master's"

Faculty of Economics and Management


Open Day

The nearest Open Day
online 21 august 2024


On this day,you will be able not only to decide on your future profession, but also tofamiliarize yourself with the list and conditions of the entrance exams.

We also offer a 20% discount for the first year of study only on the Open Day

Book it now!



Online now


Already signed up


Olena Ivanovna

Rector, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences,
Associate Professor. Excellence
in education of Ukraine

Olga Anatolyivna

Associate Professor of the
Department of Law, Head of the
Legal Department

Nataliya Semenivna

Vice-rector for analytical
and research work

Serhiy Mykolayovych

Doctor of Philosophy, professor, vice-rector
for educational and methodological work

Anatoly Oleksandrovych

Head of the educational department

Artur Yuriyovych

Dean of the Faculty of
Economics and Management

Yarovy Roman

Dean of the Faculty of Information
Systems and Technologies

Olena Viktorivna

Associate Professor, Candidate
of Physical and Mathematical Sciences,
Head of the Department of Mathematical
Disciplines and Innovative Design

Petro Yuriyovych

Dean of the Faculty of Law, Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor

Yevgeny Viktorovych

Dean of the faculty for
work with foreign students

Rеdka Ruslan

Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Law

Romanenko Olena Yurivna

Dean of the Faculty of Psychology and Social Technologies, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Practical Psychology and Social Technologies, Master of Psychology

Yevgeny Viktorovych

Dean of the faculty for work
with foreign students

Larisa Oleksandrivna

Responsible secretary of the
admissions committee

Andriy Kostyantynovich

The representative of the admissions
committee, the administrator of EDEBO

Olena Petrivna

Director of the Vocational
Business College

Svitlana Oleksandrivna

Deputy director of the
Professional Business College,
senior teacher

Yuriy Fedorovych

Vice-rector for scientific work

Nataliya Mykolaivna

Associate Professor, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Deputy Head
of the Department of Economics,
Finance and Accounting

Olena Viktorivna

Associate Professor, Candidate of Physical
and Mathematical Sciences, Head
of the Department of Mathematical
Disciplines and Innovative Design

Maryna Mykolaivna

Deputy head of the postgraduate

Natalya Serhiivna

Ph.D, Doctor of Philosophy, director of the digital department, directorof the “NooLab & AI” scientific laboratory

Нolubenko Victoria

PR manager of the Digital Department

Svitlana Mykhailivna

Manager of the Digital Department

Maksym Oleksandrovich

Vice-rector for legal issues and
international relations,
doctor of legal sciences, associate professor

Maryna Volodymyrivna

Manager of the Digital Department

3 000+ graduates

Already working in leading IT companies in15+ countries of the world

We are a partner of the IT Ukraine association, which includes 100+ leading IT companies. Our graduates have access to exclusive vacancies of partners even before they appear in public access.

Frequently asked questions

How many years does the study last?

Education lasts 4 years for obtaining the degree of OS "Bachelor" and 1.5 years for obtaining OS "Master"

What documents are required for admission?

To enter the college:
* a copy of the state-style document on the previously obtained educational (educational and qualification) level, on the basis of which admission is made, and an appendix to it (certificate of basic general secondary education, certificate of complete general secondary education, diploma of a skilled worker or junior specialist);
* a copy of a document certifying identity and citizenship; extract from the Unified State Demographic Register
* a copy of the identification code (RNOKPP);*four color photos measuring 3 x 4 cm.
* military ID or registration certificate - for conscripts

For admission to a bachelor's degree:
*a document certifying identity and citizenship (according to Article 5 of the Law of Ukraine "On Citizenship of Ukraine"); *passport; extract from the Unified State Demographic Register
*identification code (RNOKPP);
* military ID card or registration certificate - for conscripts;
* a state document (original) about the previously obtained educational (educational and qualification) level, on the basis of which admission is made, and an appendix to it (certificate or certificate of complete general secondary education, diploma of Junior Specialist);
*certificate of the appropriate level of external independent assessment or the National multi-subject test;
*documents confirming the entrant's right to participate in the competition based on the results of entrance exams based on complete general secondary education, enrollment after an interview, enrollment outside the competition.
*If there is a discrepancy in the surname in the submitted documents, provide copies of supporting documents.

Are there any discounts?

1. to participants of the Open Days who are entering the 1st year of a Professional Business College or University, subject to the first payment - 20%;
2. persons who took a direct part in the anti-terrorist operation, the operation of the joint forces, the Russian-Ukrainian war and their children (upon presentation of documents) - 50%;
3. Education is free for children of persons who took a direct part in the anti-terrorist operation, operation of the joint Russian-Ukrainian forces and died (upon presentation of documents);
4. persons undergoing military service (except conscripts) -10%;
5. persons with disabilities (for all categories) -25%;
6. persons living in the temporarily occupied territory or persons forced to leave it -20%..

Are dormitories provided?

"European University" provides dormitories for non-residents.

Are there preparatory courses for admission to the institution?

The university has preparatory courses in NMT for admission to the bachelor's degree and in EVI for admission to the master's and postgraduate degrees.

Is it possible to enter the university without a dream?

Yes, it is possible to enter our university without the results of ZNO/NMT and EVI. Without exams, it is possible to enter a professional business college for the 2nd year, admission to specialties that require only a motivation letter and to the Polish program.

Is the university accredited?

Yes, the university is accredited up to level 4 and the college up to level 2.

What kind of diploma?
Is the diploma recognized abroad?

The diploma is issued in the state model with a European supplement. Therefore, yes, the diploma is recognized abroad.

Is it possible to submit documents online?

Documents are submitted to the institution physically, including they can be submitted remotely.

Do you have the opportunity to study in parallel in two specialties at the same time?

At the university, you can study two specialties at the same time, even if they are from different faculties.

Does your university hold open days and when?

Of course, open days are held in our institution and they are held every month. To register, you can call 050 356 02 45 or leave your application on the website.

Is itpossible to get two diplomas from the university?

Yes, because we have the Polish "Double Diploma" program, thanks to this program it is possible to receive a diploma of the state model and international model, from Ukrainian and Polish universities.



University is one of the best in city, although private. I am glad that in principle we have such institutions and anyone who wants to study and acquire some quality knowledge can do so


I really like the institution. Friendly and friendly people

Kateryna Partolova

I don't usually leave reviews, but here I would like to thank the admissions committee 😃


I entered here last year. I have heard a lot about this university and girls from my school have already studied here. When I first saw him, it was like a dream come true. So big, beautiful, so many people, so many interesting things! And having already studied for a year, I can say that my opinion about the university has not changed. He is wonderful! Teachers, students, conditions, many interesting activities and many opportunities. I don't know what else to write, but I'm glad that I'm learning right here.


I submitted documents for the master's degree here. I would like to note how coordinated and adequate everything is at this university - starting from conducting professional exams , ending with providing background information and accepting documents. I understand that it should be like this, but I had a negative experience at another university, so I am pleasantly surprised here 😁I hope that you will also like the study, and the first impression is simply wonderful 😍


Great university! Very good, qualified and pleasant teaching staff. Bologna system of education (European). Scientific conferences are held every year. At this university, you can express your own opinion and be heard


I am very grateful to everyone who created such a wonderful university. I am still studying for a master's degree, but I have been working as an accountant-controller-auditor since the third year. She finished her bachelor's degree with a red diploma, I hope that further studies will be no less successful. The library is great!


European University provides high quality education and helps students develop their abilities so that their career dreams become a reality.


The teachers of the European University are very caring and help students in solving educational difficulties. They are always open to questions and ready to provide professional advice


Decided to enter the double degree program this year. I really liked the client-oriented approach and professionalism of the girls from the admissions office




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Where we are

Kyiv, Akademika Vernadskyi Boulevard, 16 B (main building)

Monday-Friday: 10:00 — 18:00

Faculty of Information Systems and Technologies

121 Software engineering

122 Computer science

125 Cyber security and information protectio

014 Secondary education

Faculty of Economics and Management

051 Economy

071 Accounting and taxation

072 Finance, banking, insurance and stock market

073 Management

075 Marketing

101 Ecology

Faculty of Law

029 Information, library and archival business

081 Law

The International Studets` Faculty

029 Information, library and archival business

051 Economy

101 Ecology

071 Accounting and taxation

072 Finance, banking and insurance

073 Management

075 Marketing

081 Law

121 Software engineering

122 Computer science

125 Cyber security

Faculty of Psychology and Social Technologies

012 Preschool education

013 Primary education

053 Psychology

231 Social work

Faculty of philology

035 Philology 035.041 Germanic languages and literatures* (including translation), the first one is in English

Faculty of Information Systems and Technologies

122 Software engineering

125 Cybersecurity and information protection

Faculty of Economics and Management

051 Economy

071 Accounting and taxation

072 Finance, banking, insurance and stock market

073 Management

075 Marketing. Internet marketing

101 Ecology

Faculty of Law

029 Information, library and archival business

081 Law

The International Studets` Faculty

029 Information, library and archival business

051 Economy

101 Ecology

071 Accounting and taxation

072 Finance, banking and insurance

073 Management

075 Marketing

081 Law

121 Software engineering

122 Computer science

125 Cyber security

Faculty of Psychology and Social Technologies

053 Psychology

Faculty of Economics and Management

051 Economy

072 Finance, banking, insurance and stock market

075 Marketing. Internet marketing

101 Ecology